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Methylene Blue – A lifesaver for full contact sports athletes

Many athletes who participate in full-contact sports like rugby, boxing, hockey, and football have witnessed the effects of head trauma on their favourite athletes. Muhammad Ali comes to mind. Every athlete understands the risks involved, and it’s a terrifying possibility that no one wants to deal with.

One day, while sparring, I took a harder hit than usual. I left the gym thinking nothing of it, but for the rest of that day, I noticed a decline in my cognitive function. I’d forget where my phone was, drive through red lights without realising, and once even put a pan-fried steak in a drawer, leaving me hungry that night.

I came to realise that it’s not just the devastating blows we see on TV that cause brain damage but also the accumulation of impacts over time, causing the brain to hit the walls of the skull.

Since then, I’ve experienced days where my memory and cognition were lacking. We called it ‘sparring brain.’ It wasn’t necessarily a concussion, but we definitely felt some effects. This was especially concerning for me, as my biggest fear is ending up with speech and motor impairments like my favourite athletes in my later years.

That’s when I discovered methylene blue. I first learned about it from a professional athlete in the United States, claiming to have rapidly recovered from a concussion after supplementing methylene blue,. I had to investigate. I’ve always thought that with all the technological advancements and medical developments over thousands of years, there had to be a solution. And it turned out to be a fish tank cleaner!

I quickly spent half of my salary to get it into South Africa and was shocked  at the results. At first, I didn’t notice much, but after my second day of taking it, I experienced a surge in energy and laser focus. It was like all my senses were heightened. I decided to take it after sparring, and voilà! Instead of my usual routine of driving through red lights, ruining the day of avid road ragers and misplacing my meals. I was completely fine. I couldn’t believe it. At first, I wondered if I didn’t get hit hard enough, this was too good to be true, right?

Well, it turns out it isn’t.

Methylene blue has completely changed my life, allowing me to pursue martial arts while studying for my degree, improving focus, regenerating any potential brain damage, and even turning my pee blue!

Since then, I’ve used methylene blue every single day, with small breaks every few weeks. I wish more athletes took advantage of this.

“Science knows it doesn’t know everything; otherwise, it’d stop. But just because science doesn’t know everything doesn’t mean you can fill in the gaps with whatever fairy tale most appeals to you.”

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